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I'm Stephen.


The image of the man on the mountains on the Home page represents me the day I decided to stop running from my mental health struggles. And, what felt like, an insurmountable journey ahead.


There's a saying;“A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step”. That’s exactly what I did. I started taking small, actionable (often fearful) step after small, actionable step.


I knew everything I wanted was on the other side of difficult. So, for the first time in my life, I started leaning into my fears and doing the difficult things I’d been avoiding. 


In the hopes of helping others, my purpose with this site, and all the content that I create, is to share the practices and teachings that allowed me to transcend much of my suffering including alcoholism, crippling anxiety, obsessive-intrusive thoughts, deeply-depressive states and suicidal ideations.


It’s a healing process that takes place to this day, but I now know an inner peace and strength that I once thought impossible.



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I’ve been given a second lease on life and I’m being guided to share the insights and lessons I’ve learned along the way.


Kundalini has been a wonderful amplifier of my own commitment and discipline to my spiritual practice.


For me – and many others – the way out, is within.


The practices of meditation and mindfulness saved my life. 


They changed my relationship to my thoughts entirely. 


I was able to put some distance between “them” and the broken story of “me”.


My only goal when I started was to ease my anxiety. 


However, I discovered a much deeper connection and healing through these ancient practices.


It’s a connection to a timeless, spaceless, all-knowing, inner wisdom and guidance that is innate to us all.

It goes by many names. Whatever name you choose to call this Great Mystery, I’ve only ever experienced as Unconditional Love.


My spiritual awakening was sudden and turbulent. But, most people come about this awareness gradually. I know many meditation practitioners, yogis, and friends in recovery who’ve tapped this same Inner Resource.


It's from this new footing that I hope to dedicate much more of my time, study, and work guiding others and sharing the tools that were instrumental in my own healing.


I'm sharing the physical connection and healing because I find it absolutely fascinating. And, because I want to demonstrate the truly transformative effects of this sacred energtic tradition.  


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